Saturday, May 23, 2015

Throwing cereal Bowls

Project:  Cereal Bowl

Students will create cereal bowls on the potter’s wheel  and learn basic centering techniques.
Students will learn how to use the potter’s wheel to create wheel thrown ceramic works of art.
Students will add to their ceramic vocabulary and understanding.
Students will apply the elements and principles of art in creating their own works of art.
Students will learn to trim and sign each of their works of art.

Clay                                                     Potter’s Wheel                                     Handouts
Plastic Bat                                           Clay Tools                                           Plastic Bag

Art Production Steps:
  1. Watch the demo and understand how to center the clay on the wheel and create a cereal bowl.
  2. Get required tools and materials before you begin and place them at your assigned wheel.
  3. Center your ball of clay on the plastic bat.
  4. Create a hole in the center of your clay
  5. Check to see if the bottom is the correct thickness, about ¼ inch.
  6. Open the hole to create the bottom of your bowl.
  7. Slowly pull the clay to the desired height.  Your finished bowl must be greater than or equal to 3 inches.
  8. Trim top to be even using a needle tool.
  9. Shape your bowl as desired
  10. Cut a foot.
  11. Place plastic bat on storage shelf to allow your work to dry off the bat.
  12. Clean up as instructed making sure all tools are clean and your working area is clean, including the wheel and area around it.
  13. Don’t forget to put your name on the bottom of your work after you have trimmed it.

Art Criticism:  We will have a short class critique on the due date for this project.
Evaluation:  See Rubric 16 points

Vocabulary Words:
Centering                                           needle tool                                            loop tool
Bat                                                      Rib                                                      Trimming
Foot                                                    wire tools                                             Throwing

3 Idea Sketches for my Cereal Bowls
Sketchbook Reflection
60 pts. possible
Throwing on the Wheel

Reflect about the difficulties you experienced the first time working on the wheel.

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