Saturday, May 23, 2015

Decorating Techniques on the various states of clay

Decorating Techniques on the various states of clay

Paddling – stick used to smooth the wall and strengthen the joins, and at the same time the surface is textured.
Inscribing (roulettes, combing, stamping) – scratching designs into the clay
Agate – mixing two different colors of clay
Fluting – making grooves or furrows on the surfaces of thrown pieces
Faceting – cut facets evenly into thrown pieces
Openwork – the walls of a piece are perforated or fretted
Carvingcutting below the surface of a piece
Cloisonn̩ Рfine strips of clay are attached to the surface used only on flat surfaces, after bisque-firing glazes are applied to the spaces
Relief – adding pieces of clay to the surface
Combing – a tube or a quill of a feather is used to mix different-colored engobes either in parallel or at a different angle
Marbling – different color engobes are applied to the surface and the piece is moved around to mix engobes
Burnishing - to polish clay while it is in the greenware stage by rubbing it with a smooth tool
Encrusting – a colored clay is embedded into a different color

Oxides – painted onto the surface of a piece
Sgraffito – scratching designs through colored slip to allow the body color to show through

Underglaze – glaze used to add color to a piece with a matt finish unless covered with clear glaze, can come in the form of pencils or watercolors too
Wax Resist – wax can be used as a resist to draw motifs that you want to keep free of glaze
Resists –anything that is used to keep areas free of glaze, examples: paper, tape, etc.
Superimposing Glazes – different glazes are applied over the top of each other is some manner, results are difficult to predict

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