Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tell Your Story/ Fables and Tales Sculpture Final Lesson /Assessment

Tell Your Story/ Fables and Tales Sculpture Final Lesson /Assessment

Makely's Pottery one Final Project

Lead in: Your life is composed of many stories. How you remember and tell those stories helps to define who you are. This assignment relates to all your journal assignments, or you can depict a scene from a Grimm’s fairy tale or Aesop’s Fable.

Task: You will be creating a sculptural tunnel book with according sides and no spine that “Tells your story” or depicts a scene from a fairy tale. You will be asked to bring some of your own materials to add, such as personal photo(s), fabrics, etc. -Whatever tells your story or adds to your fable! As part of the final critique, you will use the various aspects of the sculpture to tell your story.

Procedure: Think about your life and the many stories of which it is composed. Choose one or more stories to tell about your life. You will be required to incorporate certain aspects in your sculpture. Reflect back on your sketchbook questions that you answered throughout the semester. Your research will be attached to worksheet #1.

Tell your story book sculpture must incorporate the following:

  1. Your first and last name or nickname stylized.
  2. A repetitive pattern of symbols representing parts of your story or you.
  3. A self-portrait – face, partial face, full body( use photos, draw, caricature or realistic)
  4. Text/writing – share story from your life
  5. Text writing – share a story about your passion(s) ( sports, art, music, poetry, nature, literature, etc.)
  6. Share a secret or thought on a clear plastic thought bubble
  7. Wire attachments – create  additions that represent some aspect of your life story

Artistic Expectations:

  1. A clear and creative visual communication of your story.
  2. Well crafted  - your technical use of materials
  3. Strong use of art elements- line, shape , color, space, texture
  4. Use of  Principles of design to compose your sculpture – Balance, Unity, Repetition, Proportion, Movement and Emphasis
  5. Must be able to stand on its own as a 3-D Sculpture in the round
  6. Incorporation of writing/text
  7. 2 sketches will be turned in for 100 points. Each sketch must incorporate all the requirements to get full credit for this sketchbook grade. You will be presenting your story to your peers.

Tell Your Story Sculpture Rubric         Name ____________________ Pd:_______       

15 points - Reflect on the following: 
  1. Do you make your stories or do your stories make you? Explain your answer.
  1. Explain the story or stories your sculpture tells about you.
  1. Describe the meaning of your pattern or symbols.

Evaluation: Evaluate your work for the following criteria using the scale provided:

Weak/Poor =12, 13                 Average = 14,15                     Good = 18,19              Strong = 20

____Communication               A clear and creative visual communication of your story
____ Well crafted                   Your technical use of materials
____ Art Elements                  Strong use of art elements- line, shape, color, space, texture
____ Principles of Design       Use of Principles of design to compose your sculpture – Balance, Unity, Repetition, Proportion, Movement and Emphasis
____Freestanding                   Must be able to stand on its own as a 3-D Sculpture in the round
____Writing                            Incorporation of writing/text
____stylized name                  creative style
____Repetitive pattern           pattern of symbols representing parts of your story or you
____Self Portrait                     Use of photos or drawings                 
____Extras                              Use of thought bubble and wire attachment

____ Total points earned/ 200 points possible
+          ____ 15 reflections points
            ____20 presentation points

__________ Total points possible 235

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