Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Teacher Effectiveness - Standards 4 and 5

Teachers reflect on their practice

Reflection Standard IV: Teachers reflect on their practice 

Element a: Teachers demonstrate that they analyze student learning, development, and growth and apply what they learn to improve their practice

  • Uses data to support student learning and to inform practice 
  • Teacher makes general suggestions about how a lesson could be developed or improved 

  • Develops student learning plans based on multiple examples of student work and information gathered from students, families and significant adults, and colleagues for unique student needs and situations.
  • Makes use of and notes all classes on who has a 504's and ILP's. 
  • Works with pera professionals to differentiate lessons to meet the needs of development and growth of special ed students. 
Element b: Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals 

  •   Uses formal and/or informal performance feedback from supervisor and/or colleagues to improve practice 
  •  Completes required professional development 
  • Understands which professional development activities will align with student, school and personal goal areas


  • Shares lessons learned with colleagues formally and informally in a variety of settings PLC, conferences, and department meetings.
  • Applies new and different ways of teaching new skills, and evaluates the impact of student learning. Reaching out to all learners with many different learning styles. 

School Leadership
School Leadership Standard V: Teachers demonstrate leadership 

Element a: Teachers demonstrate leadership in their schools 
  • Recognizes opportunities to develop leadership skills 
  • Works collaboratively for the benefit of students 
  • Supports school goals and initiatives 

  • Finished Masters Degree in Teacher Leadership/Admin, March 2014.
  • Activity and consistently contributes to school committees and teams. (Graduation Committee)
  • Has never missed a graduation in 10 years. 
  • Contributes to school goals by aligning personal and professional goals to MHS.
  • Fires Freshman Seminar tiles ever year. 
  • Co-leader of Art and Anime Club
  • Yearly working with Public Works to paint the Louisville snow plow. Students design and paint the snow plow and it is publicly displayed at the football homecoming game. This plow supports the community and displays MHS pride. 
Element b: Teachers contribute knowledge and skills to educational practices and the teaching profession

  • Shares expertise with colleagues 
  • Supports collaborative efforts within the building 

  • Shares and collaborates ideas to improve teaching and standards to improve student learning. Team Teaching with Ms. Connie Quigg. 
  • Assumes leadership role in building/district as department chair for 2015 - 2016 school year.
  • Actively participates in a culture of professional inquiry with Mr. Dave Clark. Painting the tractor trailer. 
Element c: Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards

  • Maintains confidentiality of student records as required by law 
  • Understands the need to hold high standards for himself/herself and others 
  •  Adheres to standards of professional practice 


  • Maintains confidentiality of student and fellow teacher interactions as well as student and personal data 
  • Demands ethical behavior on the part of students 
  • Encourages colleagues to demonstrate ethical behavior

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