Friday, March 13, 2015

Slab Mug Unit

Slab Mugs

This project introduces the use of the rolling pin and slab roller to produce broad slabs or thin, evenly thick sheets of clay for construction. Expressions and ideas from Geometry are reinforced when creating cylindrical slab cups [measurement, 90 degree angles, parallel lines and cylinders as shapes, and reviewing the ruler]. Scoring & slipping pieces of clay together remains a critical ingredient to success. Students will also make connections between mass-produced, factory-made cups we all drink from at home, and the value of the handcrafted mugs. This project will also address the industrial age and how it brought the masses cheap/affordable products. During this project students will recognize the potential in learning a craft and marketing it as a potentially valuable skill.

Part 1

Task: Students will use the art elements and principles of design to draw four ideas for a slab clay mug. If you need inspiration look on the internet and print some ideas. You may not copy these mugs, but you can you them as inspiration. Students should consider their mug as a sculpture in the round – it should be interesting from all views and their drawings should show the following:
  • ·    Two drawings will be ideas for a Surrealistic or nonfunctional inspired mug. 
  • ·    Two drawings will be for a nonobjective (pure design) mug. An integrated handle design should be a part of each drawing.
  • ·     Each drawing should be labeled with the decorative technique(s) used to create the mug and handle: piercing, carving, appliqué, imprinting, and or sgraffito.
  • ·     Add color to your drawings to get a clear understanding of the finishes mugs. You can use markers or colored pencil.

Part 2

Students will then select two of their drawings to build two mugs 4 to 6 inches tall using the slab technique. Students will have the option to use the darting technique to alter the traditional slab cylinder if desired. Students will also focus on the function of the piece and make it comfortable to hold and make the lip comfortable for drinking.
Students will learn/review the slab technique and basic terms such as: wedging, slab, piercing, carving, appliqué, imprinting, sgraffito, kiln, bisque, glazing surrealism, nonobjective, functional, and nonfunctional. They will apply this knowledge to designing, building and glazing a clay mug. They will also learn a transferring technique: a water based marker was used to transfer the design to the clay if needed.  After building, pieces will be dried, bisque fired, glazed and then glaze fired.

Reading A Ruler

Part 3
The finished mugs will be evaluated for the following criteria: creativity of design idea, use of clay techniques, general construction of the mug and handle, color choices, technical application of the glaze, visual impact of finished glazed mug, functionality/comfort of lip and handle. Students will also be evaluated on their understanding of the ceramic terms.


Personal Reflection - 3 Points
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your finished clay mugs.  Evaluate the construction, your idea, your color choices and the overall impact of your finished mug and handle.
Mug 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mug 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ceramic Terms: 1 points each -13 points total

 Kiln- Enclosed containers of various sizes – built of refractor brick and heated by electricity, gas, wood, or oil to temperatures from 1500 -2400F.

Wedging –Method of kneading clay to make homogenous; ridding the clay of air pockets

 Functional - ____________________________________________________________

 Nonfunctional - ________________________________________________________

 Nonobjective- __________________________________________________________

 Surrealism - ___________________________________________________________

 Slab - _________________________________________________________________

 Imprinting - ___________________________________________________________

 Piercing - _____________________________________________________________

 Applique - ____________________________________________________________

 Carving - _____________________________________________________________

 Sgraffito- To scratch through a layer of slip to reveal a different colored body underneath.

Studio Grade:   Use the following point system to evaluate your finished work.
 12 = weak/poor    14,15,16 = average    17 = good          18,19 = strong    20 = very strong

Mug 1: Title or description     __________________________________________________

_____       Creativity/ Visual impact  of  your  idea – the Surrealistic  or  Nonobjective design

_____       Construction and attachment of the handle

_____       Use of clay techniques to construct the mug and make it functional , joining of seams,                                 bottom, and lip

 _____       The technical use of carving, piercing, sgraffito,  and /or appliqué

 _____       Application of the glaze – coverage, etc.

 _____       Color choices for your piece – do they complement each other

 _____       Visual impact as a sculpture in the round

 _____        Total points earned

Mug 2: Title or description      _____________________________________________

_____       Creativity/ Visual impact  of  your  idea – the Surrealistic  or  Nonobjective design

_____       Construction and attachment of the handle

_____       Use of clay techniques to construct the mug and make it functional , joining of seams,                      bottom, and lip

 _____       The technical use of carving, piercing, sgraffito,  and /or appliqué

 _____       Application of the glaze – coverage, etc.

 _____        Color choices for your piece – do they complement each other

 _____        Visual impact as a sculpture in the round

 _____        Total points earned
Add the two totals together  ____________ /280 studio total points possible.

Evaluation/Vocabulary points possible ____________ /16 possible points.

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