Monday, December 29, 2014

Pottery 1 Course Description

Pottery and Sculpture is a foundation course that emphasizes applying the elements of art and the principles of design to create functional or nonfunctional three dimensional works of art which communicate an idea, feeling or message. Clay will be the primary medium but additional sculptural materials will be used. Some of the assignments will provide students with the opportunity to develop and refine techniques and processes introduced in art classes at the elementary or middle school level, while other assignments will introduce new and more advanced conceptual ideas and technical skills. Assignments are flexible and often provide choice to allow all students the opportunity to continue development from whatever level they enter the class. Students will be educated as artists and as viewers of art.

Essential Questions

  • How do potters and sculptures communicate an idea, feeling or message to the viewer?  
  • How does a potter or sculpture use the elements of art and principles design to organize a work of art?

  •  How does a potter or sculptor safely and responsibly use materials, tools, processes and technology in creating a well – crafted work of art?
  • How does art history and culture relate to the creation of a three- dimensional work of art?
  • How are similarities and differences defined among works of art?

Essential Learning

  • Interprets and applies intended meaning of visual images, themes, and ideas in three – dimensional art.
  • Demonstrates beginning skill level and knowledge of elements of art and principles of design in a variety of ceramic and sculpture media.
  • Demonstrates beginning skill level and knowledge in use of materials, techniques, technology, and safe practices.
  • Analyzes the relationship between art history and culture and three – dimensional art
  • Critically and objectively analyzes three – dimensional art using comparison and contrast

The expectations, policies, and consequences of the Monarch Art Department support those found in the Student Handbook. The expectations, policies, and consequences have been developed to promote a positive, creative and productive learning environment.


Students will be expected to do the following: use materials, tools and furniture safely and appropriately; to wash, to clean and to return all tools, equipment and materials to their designated area; and to clean their entire work space.


Each and every student plays a vital role in establishing a friendly and respectful positive learning environment. Students are expected to actively participate in all art room activities. Whether working on studio projects, writing papers, critiquing art, working in groups, cleaning-up, participating in class discussions, etc., students are expected to use proper language and proper behavior. In appropriate comments, behaviors, gestures or noises, too much socializing, doing nothing and/or failure to assist in clean up will result in detention, parent contact and loss of participation/effort points. Each semester evaluation will include participation/effort points.

Perfect attendance is strongly recommended. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed the first day that you return to art class. At that time, if there was specific work completed, establish a reasonable due date with your instructor. If you discover that you primarily missed work time, strongly consider attending “Open Studio” to obtain additional work time or if feasible, work on the project at home. Unexcused absences will affect your grade and can result in loss of credit.  Loss of credit will occur if absences are excessive!

You are expected to come to class on time. You have one free tardy per semester.

Detentions are 15 minutes long. A detention can be served after school or during lunch within 3 school days. If not served within 3 days, it is written up as a discipline referral. Students in detention will be asked to do some sort of job in the art room, such as cleaning sinks, tables, etc. Other consequences for inappropriate behaviors include being asked to apologize, not being able to use equipment, not being able to sit with friends, time out, zero for the day or project, a discipline referral, etc.

Working in a school environment does place some limitations on the images that can be used in your artwork.  Drug related imagery, gang, pornographic images, and /or symbols offensive to specific racial, ethnic, gender or religious groups will be considered inappropriate and unacceptable by the Monarch Art Department. Use of such images or symbols will result in detention, parental contact, and a possible discipline referral.

Signature Page can be printed and returned back to Mrs. Makely the first week.

I have read or been informed of the expectations, policies, and consequences for the Monarch Art Department. Please sign and return the cut off signature section with the $30.00 art fee. Checks may be written to the Monarch Art Department.                                     
Student: ___________________________________________      Parent: _______________________________________

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