Monday, December 29, 2014

Pinch Pot Lesson Salt and Pepper Shakers

Name: ____________________ Period _______
Instructor: Makely                                               

   Pinch Pot Assignment and Overview

The potter's wheel did not appear in history until only a short 4,000 years ago. Prior to that, pinch and coil construction methods prevailed as the main ways clay was formed by man.
What is the value of creating pinch pots today? What types of pottery can pinching produce? How are pinch pots created?

1. The Value of Creating Pinch Pots

Producing pinch pots is the most direct method people have of interacting with clay. We push, and the clay responds. We pinch, and again the clay responds. We can learn a huge amount simply through the experience of directly modifying the clay's form. It is a great way to introduce a person to clay.

Pinching clay can teach us tactile sensitivity. Through this process, we more easily learn to rely on our fingers to tell us information about the clay. We can develop a kinetic awareness of form and of the thickness of walls and floors.
This tactile awareness will enhance our pottery skills across the board. Through creating pinch pots, we can continual refine our ability to work by touch, rather than by sight alone.

2. What Type of Pottery Can Pinching Produce?
Although there are exceptions, most pinched pottery is less than six inches in diameter. Pinch pots can range from chunky, substantial pieces to very thin-walled and delicate pieces. Pinch pot vessels can be decorated in many ways, but there does seem to be an added affinity between pinch pots and burnishing, a method to bring a gloss to unglazed pieces.
Pinching isn't just for vessel forms, however. Many clay whistles and pipes are made through the pinching method. Sculptural forms are also possible. One of my personal favorites, especially when just relaxing, is to make little pinch pot animals.
Pinch pots may be small, but they allow our creativity full rein. Our imaginations are the limit.

3. The Physics of Pinch Pots
Do you remember the adage from physics that goes "an action will produce an equal and opposite reaction"? In working with clay, this means that the clay will move away from pressure.
How the pressure is applied directly affects how the clay responds to it. After opening the clay, the tip of the thumb is used on the lower part of the interior of the pot. That pushes the clay at the bottom outward, widening the pot's floor, without having the entire ball of clay flare outward.

By working with controlled pinches, you can control the shape of the pot. If you pinch indiscriminately, without thinking about how the clay will react and where it will move, you will loose control.

4. Pinching Tips
Here are some pointers for creating pinch pots:

  • work in a spiral from bottom to top
  • use the tip of your thumb on the interior, while supporting the exterior with your other hand
  • minor stretch cracks can be left as a textural effect, if desired
  • deep cracks should be welded immediately using a tiny amount of slurry or slip
  • rims can be left untrimmed or they can be trimmed with a potter's needle when the pot is leather-hard
  • the pot can be smoothed, or even burnished with a wooden rib, when the pot is leather-hard.


Rubric and Requirements: You are going to create two sets or salt and pepper shakers using Pinch pot construction. You will also be  using techniques such as paddling, burnishing, carving, appliqué, and imprinting.  Each pot is no larger than .50 pounds, (½ the size of your fist) unless you are going to add a base as part of your design. Explore the internet and see all the possible designs that you can come up with.  Bring in images and attach them on the inside of your sketchbook before you began. 3 drawings or 3 images will be part of the sketchbook grade.    ____________ /60 points possible for sketchbook.          Sketchbook is Due: _________

Tips for creating your two sets or salt and pepper shakers.
Pay attention to the form, size, foot and lip –design and decoration is your choice.

Parts of the pot

Part 1 – For 15 points answer the following:                                                   POINTS EARNED: ___         
Answer the following questions in your sketchbook.

1.     Identify and describe which set is you’re best or favorite.

Explain why. 

2.     Identify your weakest finished clay piece.  
Share two ways that it could be improved.
3.     Define or explain the following clay terms:
a.     Wedging
b.     Green ware
c.     Bisque ware
d.     Pinch pot
e.     Draw out a pinch pot and identify the foot and lip.
f.      Slip and scoring
g.     Bone Dry
4.     In your own words please answer the following three questions
a.     What is the value of creating pinch pots today?
b.     What types of pottery can pinching produce?
c.      How are pinch pots created?

Part 2: Evaluating your two sets of green ware clay pieces.

Use this scale.                        90-100= weak/poor             115 = average           120 = strong                  125 = very strong

First set of salt and pepper shakers
Appropriate wall thickness for size + Aesthetic quality of form/design + foot and lip= _______/125
Second set of salt and pepper shakers with base or plate
The Idea  + the form + wall thickness + Aesthetic quality of the form/design= _____/125

Total points earned on Pinch Pot Assignments:  _________________________________ /250

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