Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pinch Pot Salt and Pepper Shakers / Extra credit stamp making

Instructor: Makely                                                   Pinch Pot Assignment

Requirements: You are going to create two sets or salt and pepper shakers using Pinch pot construction. You will also be  using techniques such as paddling, burnishing, carving, appliqué, and imprinting.  Each pot is no larger than .50 pounds, (½ the size of your fist) unless you are going to add a base as part of your design. Explore the internet and see all the possible designs that you can come up with.  Bring in images and attach them on the inside of your sketchbook before you began. 3 drawings or 3 images will be part of the sketchbook grade.    ____________ /60 points possible for sketchbook. Sketchbook is Due: _________
Creating your two sets or salt and pepper shakers.
Pay attention to the form, size, foot and lip –design and decoration is your choice.

Part 1 – For 15 points answer the following:                                                        POINTS EARNED: ___         
1.        Identify and describe which set is you’re best or favorite.

Explain why. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.        Identify your weakest finished clay piece.   _________________________________________
Share two ways that it could be improved.
a.        _________________________________________________________________________________

b.        _________________________________________________________________________________

3.        Define or explain the following clay terms:
a.        Wedging
b.        Green ware
c.        Bisque ware
d.        Pinch pot
e.        Draw out a pinch pot and identify the foot and lip.
f.         Slip and scoring
g.        Bone Dry

Part 2: Evaluating your two sets of green ware clay pieces.

Use the scale below.

90-100= weak/poor             115 = average             120 = strong                      125 = very strong
First set of salt and pepper shakers

Appropriate wall thickness for size + Aesthetic quality of form/design + foot and lip= _______/125
Second set of salt and pepper shakers with base or plate
The Idea  + the form + wall thickness + Aesthetic quality of the form/design= _____/125

Total points earned on Pinch Pot Assignments:  _________________________________ /250

Extra Credit Stamps

Make 4 signature stamps for signing your work.

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