Monday, January 5, 2015

Journal Entries Second Semester 2015

Sketchbook Entries Pottery 1
Each set of entries is worth 60 points and will be recorded in the homework/sketchbook category in the grade book. For the very first assignment only, you may keep these entries in your sketchbook or be creative and record your entries on other fun and recycled paper and paste them in your sketchbook. 
Have fun! 

Pottery / Sculpture

Who are you?    Due: January 9th

Choose the following to design your cover and complete the remaining three as separate journal entries.                                                                                

1. How do you see yourself?  List 20 words that describe who you are.

2. Cut out 3 to 5 magazine images or draw things that reflect you and your personality.

3. What really moves you?    List with words or images, your choice.

4. Clearly define your goals. List 5.          

5. What are you most proud of?  

What are your Desires?        Due: February 6th

6. How do you see yourself in 5 years?

7. What has had the greatest impact in your life?

8. What makes you happy? Include drawings or photos.

9. Where do you like to spend time alone, or with friends?

10. What are your talents? What does the inner you look like?

People in your life/ Include a photo of that special person         Due:  March 6

11. Do you care what other think of you? Explain.

12. Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

13. Do you let people’s negativity affect who you are? 

14. What was the toughest time in your life? 

15. Who is the most important person in your life and what do you do to contribute to that relationship and what makes them the most important person?

Relationships / you will need to explain your answers.    Due: April 3

16. Are you the type of person that always needs someone around? Why?

17. Do you take time out for yourself? What do you do by yourself that revives your spirit?

18. Am I aware that someone always has it worse than me? 

19. Do you constantly dwell on the past? 

Fun Facts         Due: May 1

20. What was the craziest thing you ever did?

21. What has made you laugh so hard?

22. What is the craziest thing that you want to do?

23. If you give your life purpose, what purpose would you give it? What do you want to do with your life?  
24. What do your parents want from you?

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